Spring Home Tour
It's Spring! Spring in Texas is just glorious. It lasts a split second but we soak it in as long as we can. I wanted to share the Spring touches I've added to my living and dining areas with you. This year I stayed neutral and kept the white flowing throughout.
I utilized my favorite burlap placemats topped with two layers of white plates. (It's totally allowed to just use a larger plate instead of a charger). I love using my grandmother's WWII Rosenthal china in the Spring but it felt overwhelming for me to bring ALL the pieces out. Instead I just used these tiny dessert bowls as a finishing touch.
Next for my centerpiece I brought out three dollar section trays I already had from Target. (It's also totally acceptable to mix and match fine china with cheap plastic these days).
For the mantle I added a magnolia wreath and some white bunnies. This verse has become a prayer for our home. That those who enter and spend time here would leave feeling refreshed, loved and at peace.
In the entry way hangs a chalkboard which makes it very easy to change the message for the seasons.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I pray you too will experience the rest and peace that is ours through Christ Jesus. He is Risen!